home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- DITL_4003_CDPlay@3.txt
- # 7 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=268 y1=128 x2=312 y2=148
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x84) disabled
- # bounds: x1=268 y1=16484 x2=312 y2=16504
- # text: "Detail"
- # item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=60 y1=8 x2=312 y2=24
- # text: "^0"
- # item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=60 y1=29 x2=90 y2=45
- # text: "^1"
- # item 4: ICON (0xA0) disabled
- # bounds: x1=8 y1=8 x2=49 y2=43
- # ICON resource ID: 4003
- # item 5: TEXT (0x08) enabled
- # bounds: x1=100 y1=29 x2=312 y2=77
- # text: "^2"
- # item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=8 y1=81 x2=260 y2=148
- # text: "^3"
- DITL_4004_CDPlay@4.txt
- # 22 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=153 y1=217 x2=201 y2=237
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=81 y1=217 x2=145 y2=237
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=117 y1=47 x2=133 y2=63
- # text: "to"
- # item 3: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=80 y1=46 x2=112 y2=62
- # text: "00"
- # item 4: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=138 y1=46 x2=170 y2=62
- # text: "99"
- # item 5: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=20 y1=87 x2=90 y2=103
- # text: "mm:ss:ff"
- # item 6: EDIT_TEXT (0x10) enabled
- # bounds: x1=121 y1=87 x2=191 y2=103
- # text: "mm:ss:ff"
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=15 y1=126 x2=154 y2=142
- # text: "Control the Device:"
- # item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=14 y1=24 x2=148 y2=40
- # text: "Play the Selection:"
- # item 9: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=14 y1=46 x2=70 y2=62
- # text: "Track"
- # item 10: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=14 y1=66 x2=93 y2=82
- # text: "Absolute"
- # item 11: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=23 y1=148 x2=103 y2=164
- # text: "Pause"
- # item 12: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=23 y1=168 x2=103 y2=184
- # text: "Stop"
- # item 13: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=23 y1=188 x2=103 y2=206
- # text: "Resume"
- # item 14: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=126 y1=188 x2=194 y2=204
- # text: "Eject"
- # item 15: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=126 y1=148 x2=190 y2=164
- # text: "Reset"
- # item 16: RADIO_BUTTON (0x06) enabled
- # bounds: x1=126 y1=168 x2=196 y2=184
- # text: "Repeat"
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=97 y1=87 x2=115 y2=104
- # text: "to"
- # item 18: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x87) disabled
- # bounds: x1=7 y1=134 x2=207 y2=212
- # CNTL resource ID: 4001
- # item 19: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=7 y1=32 x2=207 y2=110
- # CNTL resource ID: 4001
- # item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=86 y1=111 x2=119 y2=127
- # text: "-or-"
- # item 21: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=5 y1=4 x2=211 y2=23
- # text: "Clicking this button should"
- DITL_4007_CDPlay@7.txt
- # 43 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=320 y1=234 x2=380 y2=254
- # text: "Proceed"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=258 y1=234 x2=316 y2=254
- # text: "Cancel"
- # item 2: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=195 y1=234 x2=253 y2=254
- # text: "Repeat"
- # item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=6 y1=2 x2=376 y2=18
- # text: "Parameter Before After"
- # item 4: CUSTOM (0x80) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=20 x2=376 y2=21
- # data: ""
- # item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=22 x2=100 y2=38
- # text: "ioQlink"
- # item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=38 x2=100 y2=54
- # text: "ioqType"
- # item 7: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=54 x2=100 y2=70
- # text: "ioTrap"
- # item 8: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=70 x2=100 y2=86
- # text: "ioCmdAddr"
- # item 9: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=86 x2=100 y2=102
- # text: "ioCompletion"
- # item 10: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=102 x2=100 y2=118
- # text: "ioResult"
- # item 11: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=118 x2=100 y2=134
- # text: "ioNamePtr"
- # item 12: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=134 x2=100 y2=150
- # text: "ioVRefNum"
- # item 13: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=150 x2=100 y2=166
- # text: "ioRefNum"
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=166 x2=100 y2=182
- # text: "csCode"
- # item 15: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=182 x2=100 y2=198
- # text: "csParms"
- # item 16: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=22 x2=240 y2=38
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 17: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=22 x2=376 y2=38
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 18: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=38 x2=240 y2=54
- # text: "0000"
- # item 19: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=38 x2=376 y2=54
- # text: "0000"
- # item 20: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=54 x2=240 y2=70
- # text: "0000"
- # item 21: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=54 x2=376 y2=70
- # text: "0000"
- # item 22: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=70 x2=240 y2=86
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 23: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=70 x2=376 y2=86
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 24: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=86 x2=240 y2=102
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 25: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=86 x2=376 y2=102
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 26: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=102 x2=240 y2=118
- # text: "0000"
- # item 27: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=102 x2=376 y2=118
- # text: "0000"
- # item 28: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=118 x2=240 y2=134
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 29: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=118 x2=376 y2=134
- # text: "00000000"
- # item 30: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=134 x2=240 y2=150
- # text: "0000"
- # item 31: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=134 x2=376 y2=150
- # text: "0000"
- # item 32: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=150 x2=240 y2=166
- # text: "0000"
- # item 33: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=150 x2=376 y2=166
- # text: "0000"
- # item 34: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=166 x2=240 y2=182
- # text: "0000"
- # item 35: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=166 x2=376 y2=182
- # text: "0000"
- # item 36: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=182 x2=240 y2=198
- # text: "0000000000000000"
- # item 37: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=182 x2=380 y2=198
- # text: "0000000000000000"
- # item 38: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=198 x2=240 y2=214
- # text: "0000000000000000"
- # item 39: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=198 x2=380 y2=214
- # text: "0000000000000000"
- # item 40: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=108 y1=214 x2=240 y2=230
- # text: "000000000000"
- # item 41: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=248 y1=214 x2=376 y2=230
- # text: "000000000000"
- # item 42: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=4 y1=236 x2=192 y2=252
- # text: "command code name"
- DITL_4008_CDPlay@8.txt
- # 25 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=432 y1=105 x2=478 y2=123
- # text: " "
- # item 1: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=430 y1=73 x2=473 y2=88
- # CNTL resource ID: 4005
- # item 2: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
- # bounds: x1=0 y1=16384 x2=485 y2=101
- # PICT resource ID: 4008
- # item 3: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=430 y1=43 x2=473 y2=57
- # CNTL resource ID: 4004
- # item 4: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=432 y1=126 x2=478 y2=144
- # text: " "
- # item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=82 y1=72 x2=198 y2=88
- # text: ""
- # item 6: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=14 y1=18 x2=54 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4007
- # item 7: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=53 y1=16384 x2=91 y2=16401
- # CNTL resource ID: 4008
- # item 8: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=15 y1=46 x2=53 y2=62
- # CNTL resource ID: 4009
- # item 9: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=80 y1=4 x2=86 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4010
- # item 10: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=113 y1=4 x2=119 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4011
- # item 11: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=92 y1=17 x2=113 y2=34
- # text: ""
- # item 12: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=149 y1=4 x2=155 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4013
- # item 13: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=182 y1=4 x2=188 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4014
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=138 y1=17 x2=200 y2=34
- # text: ""
- # item 15: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=209 y1=17 x2=247 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4016
- # item 16: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=254 y1=17 x2=292 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4017
- # item 17: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=302 y1=42 x2=355 y2=58
- # CNTL resource ID: 4018
- # item 18: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=362 y1=42 x2=415 y2=58
- # CNTL resource ID: 4019
- # item 19: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=366 y1=73 x2=411 y2=90
- # CNTL resource ID: 4020
- # item 20: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=425 y1=17 x2=477 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4021
- # item 21: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=333 y1=16384 x2=355 y2=16395
- # CNTL resource ID: 4022
- # item 22: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=394 y1=16384 x2=416 y2=16395
- # CNTL resource ID: 4023
- # item 23: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=302 y1=16 x2=354 y2=33
- # CNTL resource ID: 4024
- # item 24: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=363 y1=16 x2=415 y2=33
- # CNTL resource ID: 4025
- DITL_4009_CDPlay@9.txt
- # 7 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=268 y1=128 x2=312 y2=148
- # text: "OK"
- # item 1: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=268 y1=100 x2=312 y2=120
- # text: "Detail"
- # item 2: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=60 y1=8 x2=312 y2=24
- # text: "^0"
- # item 3: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=60 y1=29 x2=90 y2=45
- # text: "^1"
- # item 4: ICON (0xA0) disabled
- # bounds: x1=8 y1=8 x2=49 y2=43
- # ICON resource ID: 4003
- # item 5: TEXT (0x08) enabled
- # bounds: x1=100 y1=29 x2=312 y2=77
- # text: "^2"
- # item 6: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=8 y1=81 x2=260 y2=148
- # text: "^3"
- DITL_4011_CDPlay@11.txt
- # 25 entries
- # item 0: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=432 y1=105 x2=478 y2=123
- # text: " "
- # item 1: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=430 y1=73 x2=473 y2=88
- # CNTL resource ID: 4005
- # item 2: PICTURE (0xC0) disabled
- # bounds: x1=0 y1=16384 x2=485 y2=101
- # PICT resource ID: 4011
- # item 3: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=430 y1=43 x2=473 y2=58
- # CNTL resource ID: 4004
- # item 4: BUTTON (0x04) enabled
- # bounds: x1=432 y1=126 x2=478 y2=144
- # text: " "
- # item 5: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=82 y1=72 x2=198 y2=88
- # text: ""
- # item 6: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=14 y1=18 x2=52 y2=35
- # CNTL resource ID: 4007
- # item 7: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=53 y1=16384 x2=91 y2=16401
- # CNTL resource ID: 4008
- # item 8: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=15 y1=46 x2=53 y2=63
- # CNTL resource ID: 4009
- # item 9: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=80 y1=4 x2=86 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4010
- # item 10: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=113 y1=4 x2=119 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4011
- # item 11: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=92 y1=17 x2=113 y2=34
- # text: ""
- # item 12: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=149 y1=4 x2=155 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4013
- # item 13: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=182 y1=4 x2=188 y2=15
- # CNTL resource ID: 4014
- # item 14: TEXT (0x88) disabled
- # bounds: x1=138 y1=17 x2=200 y2=34
- # text: ""
- # item 15: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=209 y1=17 x2=247 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4016
- # item 16: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=254 y1=17 x2=292 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4017
- # item 17: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=302 y1=42 x2=355 y2=59
- # CNTL resource ID: 4018
- # item 18: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=362 y1=42 x2=415 y2=59
- # CNTL resource ID: 4019
- # item 19: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=366 y1=73 x2=411 y2=90
- # CNTL resource ID: 4020
- # item 20: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=425 y1=17 x2=477 y2=34
- # CNTL resource ID: 4021
- # item 21: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=333 y1=16384 x2=355 y2=16395
- # CNTL resource ID: 4022
- # item 22: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=394 y1=16384 x2=416 y2=16395
- # CNTL resource ID: 4023
- # item 23: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=302 y1=16 x2=354 y2=33
- # CNTL resource ID: 4024
- # item 24: RESOURCE_CONTROL (0x07) enabled
- # bounds: x1=363 y1=16 x2=415 y2=33
- # CNTL resource ID: 4025